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Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure - Fundamentals
0. Introduction and Resources
Kubernetes on Azure Course Introduction (1:39)
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1. Introduction to Kubernetes
Lecture: What is Kubernetes and Why Should You Use It? (6:02)
Lecture: Master Nodes and Worker Nodes (3:35)
Lecture: Kubernetes Pods and Deployments (3:30)
Demo: Getting Started with Kubernetes and Minikube (5:59)
Demo: First Look at Kubeconfig (2:45)
Demo: First Look at Kubernetes Manifests (3:11)
Demo: Deploy a Kubernetes Manifest (4:09)
2. Deploying Azure Kubernetes Services
Lecture: Self-deployed (Raw) Kubernetes vs. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) (3:10)
Demo: Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster Through the Portal (6:35)
Demo: Automate AKS Cluster Creation with Terraform (7:39)
Demo: Access AKS Cluster (1:51)
Demo: Manage Cluster with Visual Studio Code (2:15)
Demo: Scale up Cluster (2:54)
Lecture: AKS Best Practices (2:42)
3. Deploying Applications
Lecture: Where are Docker Images Stored to be Used for Deployment? (1:53)
Demo: Creating an Azure Container Registry (ACR) to Store a Docker Image (4:51)
Demo: Creating a Kubernetes Manifest from Scratch (4:31)
Demo: Creating a Kubernetes Manifest with a K8s Service (2:06)
Demo: Deploying an Application from the Terminal (1:52)
Demo: Accessing a Deployed Application (2:50)
Demo: Accessing a Deployed Application from a Web Browser (0:49)
4. Monitoring AKS
Demo: Built-in AKS Monitoring (2:44)
Demo: Built-in Container Monitoring (3:58)
Demo: Logging in AKS (5:30)
Demo: Alerting in AKS (4:23)
Demo: Kubernetes Dashboard (4:34)
5. Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment (CICD) and AKS
Demo: Defining a Kubernetes Manifest for CICD (4:32)
Demo: Creating a GitHub Account and Action (4:07)
Demo: Creating and Deploying a Pipeline in GitHub Actions (7:00)
Demo: Create an Azure DevOps Organization and Project (1:52)
Demo: Creating a Kubernetes Service Connection (1:54)
Demo: Create and Deploy a Pipeline (3:01)
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Demo: First Look at Kubeconfig
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