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Introduction to Cloud Security with Microsoft Azure
1. Introduction and Study Resources
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2. Basics of Cloud
Lecture: Cloud Computing (6:35)
Lecture: On-premises vs. Hosted Solutions (2:52)
Lecture: Cloud Service Models (2:58)
Lecture: Types of Clouds (4:31)
Lecture: Augmenting Security with Cloud Services (5:43)
3. Basics of Azure
Lecture: Azure Terminology (2:21)
Demo: How to get Started with Azure (2:07)
Demo: Azure Portal Interface with Customizations (3:03)
Lecture: How much does it all cost? (1:20)
4. Virtualization
Lecture: The Deployment Model (0:51)
Lecture: How does storage in Azure work? (4:01)
Lecture: Virtual Machine Types (1:04)
Lecture: Virtual Network Capabilities (1:13)
Demo: Creating a Virtual Network and Windows VM (11:56)
Demo: Creating a Linux VM and Discuss Virtual Machine Settings (17:04)
Demo: Connect your VMs (8:49)
5. Redundancy
Lecture: Backups (2:22)
Lecture: High Availability (1:32)
Lecture: Recovery (0:46)
Demo: Backups (6:53)
6. Security
Lecture: IaaS Security (1:29)
Lecture: Virtual Private Network (VPN) (1:34)
Lecture: Azure Security Center (ASC) Dashboard (1:38)
Lecture: Data Security Considerations (2:20)
Security Threats (2:40)
7. Active Directory
Lecture: Active Directory in Azure (3:34)
Demo: Adding a Custom Domain in Azure (4:37)
Demo: Role-based Access Control in Azure (1:50)
Lecture: Azure Active Directory B2B and B2C (1:32)
Lecture: How to Sync your On-premises and Cloud Identity (1:01)
Demo: Configuring your Company Brand in Azure (1:57)
8. Security in Action
Demo: Azure Security Center (ASC) (10:31)
Demo: Connection Security via Just-in-Time Virtual Machine Access (4:40)
Demo: Authentication Security (5:47)
Lecture: How much does it all cost?
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